✨ Open Call - Spring Funding Round 2024 ✨
Please fill-in budget template, which you can find HERE
Reserve a spot for the mandatory open office hours HERE
Find our reference list HERE
Dear Rietveld and Sandberg students,
How can staying together be an artistic practice?
Coming from last year’s powerful learnings about Resting and Assembling as artistic and resistance practices, in this Spring Funding we want to continue to offer support to fellow students who want to put their creative energy into building connections with each other in spaces, circumstances, and times when being disconnected may seem, instead, the most accessible possibility.
We are trying to cultivate and foster our practice as artists and creators in this context, and we are wondering, how can artistic practices help us bond and build collective resilience to stay soft and connected while doing resistance work? How can artistic practices be themselves resistance work?
For this open call center and explore art and creativity as forces that can feed resilience and resistance, that can hold us in our deepest grief, that can direct us towards change in our burning anger. In this fragmented world we need artistic practices as dreamspaces, as opportunities for radical imagination, as sites and tools of liberation.
How can we rebel against our practice being a commodity and a pursuit for success?
How can we make art that is not extractivist but rather regenerative?
How can we build and defend common spaces and spaces for the commons in our practice?
How can we center the process of making, centering our bodies and creative power?
We have a budget of approximately €7500 to distribute to student-led projects. We are looking for projects that center art and creativity as student community binding practices. We want to highlight the privilege of having the time and resources to delve into artistic practices and we invite you all to use it to make some change. Make the best of your time in this academie, bond with others, connect, organize, weave, paint, plant, play music, build, move together, and find strength in creating new possible worlds. Be creative in finding ways to stay connected. We as Student Council will support your organizing labor and also want to offer the possibility of being guided by our guest Ying Que during your time developing the project.
In a space grounded on discourse and institutionalization of work we feel the need of reclaiming our artistic practices and connecting to each other and we are looking for proposals that:
Center artistic and making processes for their poetics and rebelliousness.
Focus on art as an embodied experience, a creative expression of emotions
Create channels towards collective nourishment and resilience,
Focus on creating joyful and emotional bonds between the Rietveld and Sandberg Community.
Last but not least, we encourage multidisciplinary and collaborative projects that benefit the community at school, as well as initiatives that put Queer and BIPOC students’ needs to the forefront in the academy.
The deadline for submissions is February 23 at 11:59 PM. Read the Open Call guidelines below and apply through our Google Form. You can sign up for our mandatory Open Office Hours here. *
Any questions? You can always send them to us at studentcouncil@rietveldacademie.nl
* These are in-person or online meetings where you can ask any open questions or on a subject, you would like advice on. If you are unsure if you should apply with your project, have questions about the process, want to find collaborators, feel overwhelmed by writing a project proposal and need support.
** For inspiration, Take a look at these references we have gathered for you!
Below are the CRITERIA for the 2024 Spring Funding Round, established by the members of the Student Council.
You can apply alone or with a group of people, you can apply cross-departmentally, with a research-based project, something performative, something playful, or something less visible. The project must have a public program or activities open to the community. Each project is thoroughly read and discussed by a jury, composed of student members of the Student Council and a guest. The decision to fund a project is based on how well it fits within the guidelines below as well as the theme for this term’s round.
CRITERIA for projects:
For the project budget, use our spreadsheet template. It’s mandatory to use the template and send it to us as a .XLSX document.
✨ Open Call - Spring Funding Round 2024 ✨
Please fill-in budget template, which you can find HERE
Reserve a spot for the mandatory open office hours HERE
Find our reference list HERE
Dear Rietveld and Sandberg students,
How can staying together be an artistic practice?
Coming from last year’s powerful learnings about Resting and Assembling as artistic and resistance practices, in this Spring Funding we want to continue to offer support to fellow students who want to put their creative energy into building connections with each other in spaces, circumstances, and times when being disconnected may seem, instead, the most accessible possibility.
We are trying to cultivate and foster our practice as artists and creators in this context, and we are wondering, how can artistic practices help us bond and build collective resilience to stay soft and connected while doing resistance work? How can artistic practices be themselves resistance work?
For this open call center and explore art and creativity as forces that can feed resilience and resistance, that can hold us in our deepest grief, that can direct us towards change in our burning anger. In this fragmented world we need artistic practices as dreamspaces, as opportunities for radical imagination, as sites and tools of liberation.
How can we rebel against our practice being a commodity and a pursuit for success?
How can we make art that is not extractivist but rather regenerative?
How can we build and defend common spaces and spaces for the commons in our practice?
How can we center the process of making, centering our bodies and creative power?
We have a budget of approximately €7500 to distribute to student-led projects. We are looking for projects that center art and creativity as student community binding practices. We want to highlight the privilege of having the time and resources to delve into artistic practices and we invite you all to use it to make some change. Make the best of your time in this academie, bond with others, connect, organize, weave, paint, plant, play music, build, move together, and find strength in creating new possible worlds. Be creative in finding ways to stay connected. We as Student Council will support your organizing labor and also want to offer the possibility of being guided by our guest Ying Que during your time developing the project.
In a space grounded on discourse and institutionalization of work we feel the need of reclaiming our artistic practices and connecting to each other and we are looking for proposals that:
Center artistic and making processes for their poetics and rebelliousness.
Focus on art as an embodied experience, a creative expression of emotions
Create channels towards collective nourishment and resilience,
Focus on creating joyful and emotional bonds between the Rietveld and Sandberg Community.
Last but not least, we encourage multidisciplinary and collaborative projects that benefit the community at school, as well as initiatives that put Queer and BIPOC students’ needs to the forefront in the academy.
The deadline for submissions is February 23 at 11:59 PM. Read the Open Call guidelines below and apply through our Google Form. You can sign up for our mandatory Open Office Hours here. *
Any questions? You can always send them to us at studentcouncil@rietveldacademie.nl
* These are in-person or online meetings where you can ask any open questions or on a subject, you would like advice on. If you are unsure if you should apply with your project, have questions about the process, want to find collaborators, feel overwhelmed by writing a project proposal and need support.
** For inspiration, Take a look at these references we have gathered for you!
Below are the CRITERIA for the 2024 Spring Funding Round, established by the members of the Student Council.
You can apply alone or with a group of people, you can apply cross-departmentally, with a research-based project, something performative, something playful, or something less visible. The project must have a public program or activities open to the community. Each project is thoroughly read and discussed by a jury, composed of student members of the Student Council and a guest. The decision to fund a project is based on how well it fits within the guidelines below as well as the theme for this term’s round.
CRITERIA for projects:
For the project budget, use our spreadsheet template. It’s mandatory to use the template and send it to us as a .XLSX document.